Pullover in Lace Pattern

Published: 02/10/17
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 6372
Pullover in Lace Pattern

Sizes: 14/16 (US 10/12)


Yarn: 800 g (70% Acrylic, 30% Polyamide, yardage = 115 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 4.5 mm (US 7).  

Stockinette stitch (St st): K on RS rows, p on WS rows.

Rib Pattern: alt P2, K1 Rib.

Horizontal Rib: 

1st row: Purl. 

2nd row: Knit. 

3d row: Knit.

4th row: Purl. 

Repeat Rows 1-4 throughout.

Eyelet Pattern: work according to chart.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.


over St st: 18 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 101 sts and work 13 cm in Rib Patt. Dec 27 sts evenly across last row = 74 sts.

Cont in Horizontal Rib. 

When piece measures 18 cm from cast on, cont in Eyelet Pattern. 

Raglan Shaping: When piece measures 46 cm from cast on, bind off 1 st 13 times at both ends on every 2nd row. 

Neckline Shaping: After 8 cm from armhole beg, bind off center 36 sts and complete each side separately. At neckline edge bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st once on every 2nd row. 

Rep for other side.

Front: Work same as back.


Cast on 45 sts and work 10 cm in Rib Patt 2/1. Dec 5 sts evenly across last row.

Cont in Horizontal Rib. 

When piece measures 15 cm from cast on, cont in Eyelet Pattern.

For sleeve slants, dec 1 st 10 times each side every 8th row. 

Raglan Shaping: When piece measures 48 cm from cast on, bind off 2 sts 4 times and 1 st 9 times on every 2nd row.

Then bind off remaining sts.


Sew side seams. 

Sew sleeve and raglan seams. Leave one of armholes and back open.

Pick up 150 sts evenly around neckline edge and work in Horizontal Rib. Dec 18 sts 4 times evenly on every 4th row = 78 sts. 

Then work 22 rows and bind off all sts in one row.   

Sew open seam of armhole and neckline trim. 

pullover chart

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