Pullover in Lace and Jagged Pattern

Published: 11/02/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 9450
Pullover in Lace and Jagged Pattern

Sizes: 10/12 (14/16) 18/20 (US 6/8 (10/12) 14/16).


Yarn: 300 (350) 400 g (47% Cotton, 47% Polyacrilic, 6% Polyamide; yardage = 165 m/50 g); one pair knit needles size 4.5 mm (US 7) and one crochet hook size 4 mm (US G). 

Stockinette stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Lace and Jagged Pattern (over 44 sts):

Work acc to сhart. Only RS rows are shown. 

On WS rows work all sts and yos P. When two yos one after the other, K first, P second. 

Repeat Rows 1-36 throughout.

Gauge: 17.5 sts and 27.5 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Long-tail cast on 90 (98) 106 sts and work as foll: selv st, * 0 (2) 4 sts in St st, 44 sts in Lace and Jagged Pattern, 0 (2) 4 sts in St st, rep from *, selv st. 

After 29.5 cm = 82 rows (27.5 cm = 76 rows) 25.5 cm = 70 rows, for sleeves, at each side cast on 66 more sts and work them into pat = 222 (230) 238 sts.  

For second and third size, make sure that yos are balanced by sts worked tog.

When work measures 50 cm = 138 rows from beg, bind off all sts, center 64 sts form neckline, outer 79 (83) 87 sts form shoulders. 

Front: Same as back.


Sew shoulder and upper sleeve seams.

With crochet hook, work 1 rnd sl st (slip stitch) and crab st (= sc from left to right) around neckline edge. 

Sew side and lower sleeve seams.

Crochet around sleeve edges same as for neckline.

pullover chart

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