Pullover in Fancy Pattern with Cables

Published: 18/09/17
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 4898
Pullover in Fancy Pattern with Cables

sweaterSizes: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 800 g (80% Acrylic, 20% Polyamide, yardage = 110 m / 100 g); quick knit needles size 7 and 8 mm (US 7 and 11). 

Rib Pat: alt K2, P2. 

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P. 

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): work RS rows P and WS rows K. 

Fancy Pattern: 

Row 1: K5, **create 5 sts from 5 sts (* K5tog tbl, do not remove sts from LH needle, 1 yo, rep from * twice, K5tog tbl, remove 5 sts from LH needle), K5, rep from **.  

2nd and all further even rows: purl. 

Rows 3 and 7: knit. 

Row 5: * create 5 sts from 5 sts, K5, rep from *, create 5 sts from 5 sts.

Row 9: Rep Row 1. 

sweaterCable Pattern 1 and 2: Work acc to charts.   

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Rep from * to *.


14 sts and 20 rows = 10 x 10 cm over St st with 8 mm needles.


Using needles size 7 mm, cast on 66 sts and work in Rib Patt, inc 1 st on the last row = 67 sts.  

After 8 cm from cast on switch to 8 mm needles and work as foll: 11 sts in Rev St st, 8 sts in Cable Pattern 1, 2 sts in Rev St st, 25 sts in Fancy Pattern, 2 sts in Rev St st, 8 sts in Cable Pattern 1 and 11 sts in Rev St st.

Armhole Shaping: After 42 cm from cast on work as foll: 2 sts in St st, 4 sts in Cable Pattern 2, P3tog, 2 sts in Rev St st, 8 sts in Cable Pattern 1, 2 sts in Rev St st, 25 sts in Fancy Pattern, 2 sts in Rev St st, 8 sts in Cable Pattern 1, 2 sts in Rev St st, P3tog, 4 sts in Cable Pattern 2 and 2 sts in St st. 

Cont in pats as established. Work P3tog 6 times on right side after cable sts and on left side before cable sts on every 4th row.  

After 57 cm from cast on place work onto holder. 

Front: Work same as back.


Using needles size 7 mm, cast on 37 sts and work in Rib Patt.  

After 5 cm from cast on switch to 8 mm needles and work as foll: selv st, 35 sts in Fancy Pattern, selv st.  

Sleeve Slants: Inc 1 st 4 times on every 18th row each side. 

Armhole Shaping: After 53 cm from cast on work as foll: 2 sts in St st, 4 sts in Cable Pattern 2, P3tog, 1 st in St st, 25 sts in Fancy Pattern, 1 st in St st, P3tog, 4 sts in Cable Pattern 2 and 2 sts in St st. 

Cont in pats as established. Work P3tog 6 times on right side after cable sts and on left side before cable sts on every 4th row.  

After 68 cm from cast on place work onto holder.


Place the sts of front, back and sleeves onto 7 mm needles and work in Rev St st. 

After 3 cm from cast on bind off sts pwise. 

Sew in sleeves, join side and sleeve seams.

sweater chart

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