Poncho Sweater with Centre Cable

Published: 25/10/17
Category: Sweaters
Hits: 8744
Poncho Sweater with Centre Cable


Yarn: 1200 g (100% Cotton, yardage = 452 m/400 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 5 mm (US 8), one cable needle, one tapestry needle.

Stockinette stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev st st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Rib Patt 1/1: alt K1, P1. 

Rib Patt 2/2: Foll Chart 1. 

Fancy Pattern: Foll Chart 2. 

Gauge over St st: 14 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 сm. 

Arrows in pattern indicate how pieces are worked. 


Cast on 133 sts and work 4 cm in Rib Patt 1/1.   

On foll row cont in Fancy Pattern acc to chart 2 (from A to F).  

When piece measures 38 cm from cast on, bind off all sts. Put piece aside. 


Cast on 133 sts and work 4 cm in Rib Patt 1/1.   

On foll row cont in Fancy Pattern as foll: 4 sts of left cable - A, 58 sts of Rev st st - C, 9 sts of double cable to the right and left - E, 58 sts of Rev st st - C, 4 sts of right cable - F.  

When piece measures 38 cm from cast on, bind off all sts. Put piece aside. 


Sew bottom side seams (12 cm each side) leaving 25 cm open for armholes.

Sew left shoulder seam (42.5 cm). Leave right shoulder open for convenience of working band.

Pick up 58 sts evenly around neck edge and work 22 cm in Rib Patt 2/2 acc to chart 1. 

Bind off all sts. Leave about 1 m of spare thread. 

Sew collar seam and right shoulder seam (42.5 cm). 

sweater chart

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