Low Neck Tunic in Lace Pattern

Published: 04/07/19
Category: Tunics
Hits: 4717
Low Neck Tunic in Lace Pattern

Size: L


Yarn: 250 g (70% Mercerized Cotton, 30% Viscose, yardage = 350 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 4 mm (US 6), crochet hook size 3.5 mm (US E).

Basic Pattern:

Work acc to charts 1, 2, 3. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.

Beg with 1 selv st and sts before patt, rep patt, end with sts after patt and 1 selv st.

Repeat rows 1-12 throughout.

Gauge: 17.5 sts x 23 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Work body top down.


Cast on 93 sts and purl 2 rows.

Cont in Basic Pattern and work as foll : selv st, 9 sts before patt rep, rep patt 4 times, 10 sts after patt rep and 1 selv st. 

When work meas 73 cm from cast on, knit 2 rows and bind off sts.


For right shoulder, cast on 30 sts and purl 2 rows.

Continue in Basic Pattern working as shown in chart 2. 

To shape neck, inc 1 st 17 times (= 47 sts) at left end on every 4th row, working sts into patt. 

For left shoulder, cast on 30 sts and purl 2 rows.

Continue in Basic Pattern working as shown in chart 3.

To shape neck, inc 1 st 17 times (= 47 sts) at right end on every 4th row, working sts into patt.  

Join sts of right and left halves, working 2 selv sts in the centre tog (= 93 sts). 

When work meas 73 cm from cast on, knit 2 rows and bind off sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Sew side seams leaving 23 cm open for armholes. 

Using circular needle, beg from center of front, pick up sts evenly around neck edge and work 1 rnd K and 1 rnd P. Bind off sts. 

With crochet hook, work around neck edge 1 rnd dc and 1 rnd sc working 3 dc cluster in the centre of front. 

Work around armholes in same way. 

Work 1 rnd dc and 1 rnd sc around bottom edge.

tunic chart

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