Long Pullover with Cables

Published: 18/12/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 3231
Long Pullover with Cables

Size: M


Yarn: 350 g (35% mohair, 65% acrylic, yardage = 288 m/100 g); circular needles sizes 3 and 4 mm (US 2.5 and 6).

Rib Pattern: K1, P1 Rib.

Cable Pattern (over 6 sts):

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Work rows 1 - 16 once, then rep rows 7 - 16 throughout.


in Cable Pattern with 4 mm needle: 17 sts and 20 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Using 3 mm circular needle, cast on 160 sts, join to work 16 rnds in Rib Patt, inc 8 sts evenly across last row.

Switch to 4 mm needle and work as foll: * 6 sts in Cable Pattern, P2, rep from *. 

Inc 21 sts 8 times on every 5th row in each section of Rev St st.

Work 40 more rows.

On Row 56 divide sts as foll: 80 sts for back, 80 sts for sleeve, 96 sts for front and 80 sts for 2nd sleeve.

Place sts of sleeves on stitch holder.


Join sts of body to work in rnds and work 45 rnds in Basic Pattern.

Inc 21 sts twice on every 5th row in each section of Rev St st.

On Row 101 work belt openings.

To do that, divide work into parts: * 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P10, rep from *.

Work  rows of each part separately, then join all sts to work in rnds and continue to work. At the same time, inc 21 sts 8 times on every 2nd row in each section of Rev St st.

Then work 2 rows in Rib Patt, bind off all sts.


Join sts of sleeve to work 40 rnds.

Sleeve Shaping: Inc 20 sts on every 5th row.

On Row 41 dec sts as foll: work p2tog twice consecutively.

On Row 42 dec 20 sts evenly spaced across = 30 sts.

Next, work in Rib Patt for 15 rows, bind off all sts.


Belt: Using 4 mm circular needle, cast on 20 sts and work 170 rows in Rib Patt. Bind off all sts.

Sew sleeve seams, set in belt and sew belt seam.

pullover chart

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