Lace Yoke Pullover

Published: 04/02/19
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 2698
Lace Yoke Pullover

Sizes: M-L


Yarn: 700 g (100% mercerized cotton, yardage = 105 m/50 g), one pair knit needles and one circular needle, both size 4 mm (US 6), crochet hook size 3 mm (US C).

Rib Patt 3/4: alt K3, P4.

Rib Patt 4/5: alt K4, P5.

Rib Patt 5/6: alt K5, P6.

Lace Pattern: 

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

For back, beg with Row 9, then rep patt on Rows 9- 24. 

For front, beg with Row 1, then rep patt on Rows 9- 24.


in Rib Patt 5/6: 21 sts and 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

in Lace Pattern: 20 sts and 26 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Integral Body: 

Using circular needle size 4 mm, cast on 176 sts and work 14 rows in Rib Patt 5/6.

For narrowing, on Row 15 from beg, dec 32 sts evenly spaced across (1 st on each panel) = 144 sts. 

Cont to work 45 rows in Rib Patt 4/5. 

Divide the work in two parts (72 sts each). Mark side lines.

Inc 1 st each side from side lines on RS panels = 148 sts. 

Then inc 1 stitch every 2nd row 4 times, then 1 stitch every 6th row 7 times = 180 sts. 

Beg with Row 96, work in Lace Patt for 4 rows. 

Set aside sts of front (= 90 sts).

Back (over 90 sts): 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 96 from beg, at each end bind off 3 sts, then 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 stitch twice on every 2nd row = 70 sts. 

On Row 57 from beg of Lace Patt, bind off all sts.


Work like back, but with neckline.

To do that, on Row 41 from beg of Lace Patt, bind off center 10 sts and then 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st twice on every 2nd row on either side of them. 

On Row 57 from beg of Lace Pattern, bind off rem 20 sts each side for shoulders.


Cast on 51 sts and work 20 rows in Rib Patt 3/4, inc 21 sts evenly across last row = 72 sts.

Cont to work in Lace Pattern.

Cap Shaping: On Row 61 from beg of Lace Pattern, at each end bind off 4 sts, then 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st 14 times and 3 sts twice on every 2nd row. 

On Row 98 from beg of Lace Pattern, bind off rem 10 sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.

With crochet hook, work 1 row crab st (= sc from left to right) evenly around neckline, bottom edges of sleeves, front and back. 

Join row with sl st to first st.

pullover chart

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