Jacket in Lace Pattern

Published: 03/10/16
Category: Jackets
Hits: 8551
Jacket in Lace Pattern

Size: 10 (US 8).


Yarn: 300 g Super Lana (sectionally dyed) (70% Polyamide, 30 % Wool, yardage = 270 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3,5 mm (US 4) and crochet hook size 3 mm (US C).  

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.

Stockinette stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Lace Pattern 1:

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts and yo's P or according to chart key. 

Repeat rows 1-12 throughout.

Lace Pattern 2: 

Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts and yo's P.

Repeat rows 1 - 4 throughout.


Cast on 88 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.  

Continue in Lace Patt 1. 

For further waist shaping, when work measures 10 cm, dec at each end 1 stitch every 8th row 6 times. 

When piece measures 26 cm from beg, there should be 76 sts on the needle. 

Work even for 3 cm more. 

Then inc 1 stitch every 8th row 6 times.

When piece measures 48 cm from beg, there should be 88 sts on the needle. 

Continue Rows 1-6 of Lace Patt 1.

Armhole Shaping: At the same time, at each end bind off 4 sts once and 1 stitch every other row 4 times = 72 sts. 

Neck Shaping: When work measures 18 cm from beg armhole, bind off center 26 sts and complete both sides separately, bind off 3 sts once and 2 sts once from each neck edge.

Shoulder Shaping: Along with neck shaping, bind off 9 sts twice at other side. 

Complete to match first side of neck, reversing all shaping.

Left Front: 

Cast on 40 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.

Contitue in Lace Patt 1, at right side inc and dec same as Back. 

Neckline Shaping: When work measures 40 cm from beg, bind off 1 stitch every 4th row 14 times at left side.

Shoulder shaping: When piece measures 66 cm from beg, shape shoulders same as for Back. 

Right front: Work in reverse.


Cast on 80 sts and work 3 rows in garter st.

Work 4 rows in Lace Pat 2.

Continue in St st. When piece measures 8 cm from beg, dec 28 sts evenly across = 52 sts. 

Work 6 rows in garter st and cont in Lace Pat 1.

Sleeve Shaping: Inc 1 stitch every 8th row 4 times at each end.

When piece measures 29 cm from beg, there should be 60 sts on the needle. 

Continue Rows 1-6 of Lace Patt 1. 

Cap Shaping: Bind off 4 stitch once, 1 stitch 19 times at each end, then bind off rem 14 sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

With circular needle pick up 115 sts from each front and 40 sts from back neck = 270 sts.

Work 8 rows in garter st, then bind off all sts loosely.

Sew in sleeves, join side and sleeve seams.

With RS facing and crochet hook, work band with chain-5 arch in each 4th stitch. 

Sew on buttons.

jacket chart

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