Dress with Cables

Published: 24/10/17
Category: Dresses
Hits: 14978
Dress with Cables

Size: S-M


Yarn: 550 g (100% Acrylic, yardage = 200 m/50 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 6.5 mm (US 10.5).

Rib Pattern: alt K1, P1.

Stockinette stitch (St st): K on RS rows, p on WS rows.

Reverse stockinette stitch (Rev st st): P on RS rows, k on WS rows.

Small Cable (over 5 sts): K5tog tbl, 1 yo, K5tog tbl, 1 yo, K5tog tbl. 

On WS rows work sts P and yos P tbl.

Large Cable A (over 21 sts): Slip 7 sts onto holder and leave at front of work, K7, K7 from holder, K7. 

Large Cable B (over 21 sts): Slip 7 sts onto holder and leave at back of work, K7, K7 from holder, K7.  

Gauge: 30 sts and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 90 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt. Inc 49 sts evenly across last row = 139 sts.

Cont as foll: * 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in St st (for small cable), 3 sts in Rev st st, 21 sts in St st (for large cable), rep from * 3 times more, end with 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in St st, 3 sts in Rev st st.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

After 3 rows work as foll: * 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in Small Cable, 3 sts in Rev st st, 21 sts in Large Cable A, rep from * 3 times more, end with 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in Small Cable, 3 sts in Rev st st.

After 5 rows work as foll: * 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in Small Cable, 3 sts in Rev st st, 21 sts in Large Cable B, rep from * 3 times more, end with 3 sts in Rev st st, 5 sts in Small Cable, 3 sts in Rev st st.

When piece meas 65 cm, for raglan shaping, bind off at each end 1 st on every 2nd row until 83 sts left. 

Neckline Shaping: When raglan meas 20 cm, bind off center 10 sts and complete both sides separately.

For rounding at inside edge, bind off 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st once on every other row.

When raglan meas 23 cm, bind off all sts.

Work in reverse for other side.

Front: Work same as back.


Cast on 38 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt. Inc 67 sts evenly across last row = 105 sts.

Then work in Cable Pattern as for back. 

Sleeve Shaping: Inc 1 st 6 times evenly at each end. 

Shape raglan as for back. 

When piece measures 68 cm, bind off rem sts.


Join all seams. 

With crochet hook, work 1 rnd sc (single crochet) around neck edge slightly pulling in.

Pick up sts around neck edge and work 7 rows in Rib Patt. 

Bind off sts as they appear.

dress chart

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