Dress in Zig-zag Lace Pattern

Published: 30/05/16
Category: Dresses
Hits: 5709
Dress in Zig-zag Lace Pattern

dressSize: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 300 g (60% Cotton, 40% Acrylic, 150 m per 50 g ball); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size US 00 (1,5 mm), auxiliary needles or stitch holders.

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Rib Pattern: *K3, P2, rep from * throughout.

Zig-Zag Lace Pattern 

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown. 

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.


in Zig-Zag Lace Pattern: 23 sts and 33 rnd = 10 x 10 cm.

Back and Front: 

With circular needle, cast on 200 sts and join for working in rnds.

Work 20 rnds in Rib Pattern and cont to work in Zig-Zag Lace Pattern for 192 rnds. 

On rnd 213 from beg, cont as foll: work 85 sts for back, bind off 15 sts for right armhole, work 85 sts for front, bind off 15 sts for left armhole.

Slip front sts on stitch holder.

Back (over 85 sts):

Armhole Shaping: On Row 215 from beg, bind off 1 stitch at each end, then dec 1 stitch each side every other row 4 times = 75 sts.  

Next, work 30 rows in St st. 

Neck Shaping: On Row 255 from beg, bind off center 35 sts, then bind off from each neck edge 1 stitch every other row 5 times.

On Row 276 from beg, bind off rem 15 sts each side for shoulders.


Work like back, but with deeper neckline.

Neck Shaping: On Row 235 from beg, bind off center 35 sts, then bind off from each neck edge 1 stitch every other row 5 times. 

On Row 276 from beg, bind off rem 15 sts each side for shoulders.


Join shoulder seams. 

Neck Band: With circular needle, pick up 155 sts evenly around neck edge and work 5 rnds in Rib Pat. 

Armhole Bands: With circular needle, pick up and k 105 sts evenly around armhole edge and work 5 rnds in Rib Pat.

Bind off all sts. 

dress chart

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