Dress in Fancy Pattern

Published: 27/05/16
Category: Dresses
Hits: 5456
Dress in Fancy Pattern

dressSizes: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 450 g (60 % Merino Wool, 20 % Silk, 20% Nylon, 175 m per 50 g ball); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 1,5 mm (US 00).

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev st st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Rib pattern: *K1tbl, P2, rep from * throughout.

Fancy pattern:

Work according to chart 1. Only odd-numbered rnds are shown.

On even-numbered rnds work all sts as they appear, work yos K.

Rep rnds 1-16 for Fancy Patt.

Eyelet Stripes:

Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Work rows 1 - 24 once, then rep rows 9 -24 throughout.


in Fancy Pattern: 27 sts and 35 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Upper part of Back and Front is worked from the down top to armhole in rnd.

With circular needle, cast on 224 sts and join for working in rnds.

Cont as foll: * 9 sts in Rev St st, 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, rep from * 15 times.

Armhole Shaping: On rnd 17 from beg, work as foll: right Underarm - work 2 sts in Rev st st, bind off 19 sts; Back - 2 sts in Rev st st, * 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 9 sts in Rev st st, rep from * 5 times, 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 2 sts in Rev st st; left Underarm - bind off 19 sts, Front - 2 sts in Rev st st, * 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 9 sts in Rev st st, rep from * 5 times, 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 2 sts in Rev st st.

Back (over 93 sts):

Work in Eyelet Stripes.

Neck Shaping: On Row 65 from beg, bind off center 37 sts and 2 sts every other row 2 times, 1 stitch once at both neck edges.

On Row 93 from beg, bind off rem 23 shoulder sts on either side.

Front (over 93 sts):

Work in Eyelet Stripes.

Neck Shaping: On Row 33 from beg, bind off center 37 sts and 2 sts every other row 2 times, 1 stitch once at both neck edges.

On Row 93 from beg, bind off rem 23 shoulder sts on either side.

Lower part of Back and Front is worked from the top down to armhole in rnd.

With RS facing and circular needle, pick up 224 sts evenly around upper part and join for working in rnds.

Cont as foll: * 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 11 sts in Fancy Patt (1/2 rep pat), Kfb (Knit in Front and Back in same stitch), 11 sts in Fancy Patt (1/2 rep pat), rep from * 7 times = 232 sts (* 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 24 sts in Fancy Patt, rep from * 7 times).

Dress Shaping: On rnd 33 from beg, inc 16 sts (before and after every Fancy Patt) = 248 sts, then 16 sts every 16th row 7 times = 344 sts.

On Row 218 from beg, bind off all sts.


Close shoulder seams.

Pick up 121 sts along armhole edge.

Cont as foll: selv st, 1 stitch in Rev st st, * 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 9 sts in Rev st st, rep from * 7 times, 5 sts in Eyelet Stripe, 1 stitch in Rev st st, selv st.

On Row 113 from beg, bind off all sts.


Sew sleeve seams.

Neck Band: With circular needle, pick up 210 sts evenly around neck edge and work 9 rnd in Rib Pat.

On Row 10 from beg, bind off all sts.

dress chart

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