Dress and Arm Warmers in Fancy Pattern

Published: 22/03/18
Category: Dresses
Hits: 9775
Dress and Arm Warmers in Fancy Pattern

Size: 10/12 (US 6/8).


Yarn: 220 g (35% Wool, 65% Acrylic, yardage = 300 m/100 g) and 25 g for arm warmers; one circular knitting needle 80 cm long size 2.5 mm (US 1.5); double-pointed needles size 2 mm (US 0).

Rib Pat 2/2: alt K2, P2.

Rib Pat 2/3: alt K2, P3.

Rib Pat 2/4: alt K2, P4.

Rib Pat 2/5: alt K2, P5.

Fancy Pattern: 

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear.

Cable Pattern: 

Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear.

Gauge: 28 sts and 33 rows = 10 x 10 сm.


Integral left sleeve, back, right sleeve, and front are worked top down.

With circular needle, cast on 128 sts and join for working in rnds. 

Cont as foll: 1 st of raglan, 22 sts of left sleeve, 1 st of raglan, 40 sts of back, 1 st of raglan, 22 sts of right sleeve, 1 st of raglan, 40 sts of front. 

Row 1: 

for left sleeve: 1 yo, P1, 1 yo for raglan, * K2, P2, rep from * once, 4 sts of Lace Panel, * P2, K2, rep from * once;

for back: 1 yo, P1, 1 yo for raglan, P1, K2, 34 sts in Fancy Pattern, K2, P1;

for right sleeve: 1 yo, P1, 1 yo for raglan, * K2, P2, rep from * once, 4 sts of Lace Panel, * P2, K2, rep from * once;

for front: 1 yo, P1, 1 yo for raglan, P1, K2, 34 sts in Fancy Pattern, K2, P1. 

Raglan Shaping: Inc 1 stitch 25 times before and after P1 on every 2nd row. Work new sts into Fancy Pattern. 

On Row 50 from beg, there are 328 sts left on needle (1 st of raglan, 72 sts of left sleeve, 1 st of raglan, 90 sts of back, 1 st of raglan, 72 sts of right sleeve, 1 st of raglan, 90 sts of front). 

Place sts of sleeves on holder.

Integral Body: 

On Row 53 from beg, cont as foll: 1 st of raglan line, 90 sts of back, 1 st of raglan line, cast on 16 new sts for left armhole, 1 st of raglan, 90 sts of front, 1 st of raglan, cast on 16 new sts for right armhole. 

Join all sts for working in rnds = 216 sts.

Cont as foll: 24 sts in Rib Pat 2/2 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for back, 24 sts in Rib Pat 2/2 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for front. 

Then work 117 rnds in Fancy Pattern (= 3 rnd reps).

For side slants, on Row 171 from beg, on WS stripe of Rib Pat 2/2, at both ends inc 1 st. In total, 8 purl sts each side = 232 sts. 

Cont for 30 rnds as foll: 32 sts in Rib Pat 2/3 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for back, 32 sts in Rib Pat 2/3 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for front. 

On Row 201 from beg, on WS stripe of Rib Pat 2/2, at both ends inc 1 st. In total, 8 purl sts each side = 248 sts. 

Cont for 30 rnds as foll: 40 sts in Rib Pat 2/4 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for back, 40 sts in Rib Pat 2/4 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for front. 

On Row 231 from beg, on WS stripe of Rib Pat 2/2, at both ends inc 1 st. In total, 8 purl sts each side = 264 sts. 

Cont for 30 rnds as foll: 48 sts in Rib Pat 2/5 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for back, 48 sts in Rib Pat 2/5 for side line, 84 sts in Fancy Pattern for front. 

On Row 268 from beg, bind off all sts.

Front: Same as back.

Sleeves (over 72 sts):

In addition, cast on 8 sts each side = 88 sts. 

Cont in Fancy Pattern. 

Beg with Row 61, dec 1 stitch at each end, then 1 stitch every 6th row 17 times = 52 sts. 

Beg with Row 171, work 7 rnds in Rib Pat 2/2. 

On Row 179 from beg, bind off all sts.


Sew sleeve seams. 

Neck Band: With circular needle, pick up 128 sts evenly around neck edge and work 5 rnds in Rib Pat 2/2. Bind off all sts.

Arm Warmers:

Left AW: 

Cast on 48 sts and divide sts onto 4 needles (12 sts each). Join to work in rnds, then work 10 rnds in Rib Pat 2/2. 

Then distribute all sts onto 3 needles (12 + 12 + 24).

On Row 11 from beg, from 24th st work in Cable Pattern over 14 sts. Work rem sts in Rib Pat 2/2. 

Work in pats as established until 26 rnds are complete. 

For finger, on Row 37 from beg, on left side of Cable Pattern work 10 sts in Rib Pat 2/2, then bind off 4 sts and cont to work in pat. 

On foll row, cast on 4 sts and work acc to chart through Row 40.

Beg with Row 41, work 10 rnds in Rib Pat 2/2.

On Row 50 from beg, bind off all sts.

Right AW: Work in reverse.

dress chart

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