Cardigan with Lace Pattern

Published: 01/11/18
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 9373
Cardigan with Lace Pattern

Size: 4XL


Yarn: 700 g (40% Cotton, 60% Acrylic, yardage = 240 m/100 g); one circular needle size 3 mm (US 2.5); 3 buttons.

Stocking stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows P.

Lace Pattern:

Work acc to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.


Cardigan is worked in one piece.


Cast on 349 sts and work 3 cm in garter st. 

Cont to work in Lace Pattern. 

Work 2 row reps, then work rows 1-10 once.

Cont as foll: selv st, 10 sts in St st, cont to work Lace Pattern acc to chart 1 - 13 sts, 325 sts in St st, cont to work Lace Pattern acc to chart 1 - 13 sts, 10 sts in St st, selv st. 

When piece measures 53 cm from cast on, for sleeve shaping, divide loosely work into 3 parts using markers: right front - 30 sts, back - 289 sts, left front - 30 sts, and work each part separately. 

Cast on new 36 sts for sleeve. 

To do that, at beg of work, after 30 sts of right front worked as established, cast on new 12 sts in St st, 13 sts in Lace Pattern, 10 sts in St st, selv st. 

Continue even. 

Neckline Shaping: When work measures 61 cm from beg, bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 stitch 4 times at beg of each RS row.

Left Front: Work in reverse. 

Work center sts in St st as back. 

At the same time, cast on new sts for sleeves in same way as for fronts.


Sew shoulder and side sleeve seams.

Buckle Bands: Pick up sts from selv sts around outer edge of fronts and work 3 cm in garter st. 

Work 3 buttonholes evenly spaced on upper part of right front band. 

Neck Band: Pick up sts from selv sts around outer edge and work 3 cm in gst. 

Pick up sts from selv sts around lower edge of sleeves and work 3 cm in gst for band.

Sew on buttons.

cardigan chart

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