Boat Neck Pullover in Rib Pattern

Published: 10/02/19
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 8615
Boat Neck Pullover in Rib Pattern

Sizes: M-L


Yarn: 500 g (100% Wool + Viscose); 1 pair quick knit needles size 4 mm (US 6).

Rib Pattern: K2, P2 Rib.

Gauge: 18 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 сm.


Cast on 86 sts and work in Rib Patt. 

On Row 33 dec sts as foll: work 26 sts, K3tog tbl, 28 sts, K3tog, 26 sts = 82 sts. 

Work even for 4 rows and dec sts again: work 26 sts, K3tog tbl, 24 sts, K3tog, 26 sts = 78 sts. 

Work even for 14 rows and inc sts as foll: 26 sts, M2, 26 sts, M2, 26 sts = 82 sts. 

After 4 rows inc sts again: 28 sts, M2, 26 sts, M2, 28 sts = 86 sts.

Continue even.

Armhole Shaping:

When piece meas 37 cm from beg, at each end dec sts as foll: 18 sts, * sl K2 onto cn, hold at front, work 1st st from holder and 2 sts from LH needle tog K tbl, then work 2nd st from holder and next 2 sts from LH needle tog K tbl *, P2, ** sl K2 onto cn, hold at front, work 1st st from holder and 2 sts from LH needle tog K, then work 2nd st from holder and next 2 sts from LH needle tog K **, work center 22 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, 18 sts = 70 sts.  

Work even for 15 rows and dec sts: 14 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, center 14 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, 14 sts = 54 sts. 

Work even for 15 rows and dec sts again: 10 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, center 6 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, 10 sts = 38 sts. 

When work measures 58 cm, bind off all sts as they appear.


Work same as back.


Cast on 54 sts and work in Rib Pattern. On either side, inc 1 st 6 times on every 8th row.

Cap Shaping: When work meas 45 cm, dec sts same as for back: 14 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, center 22 sts, rep from * to *, P2, rep from ** to **, 14 sts. 

Continue to dec sts every 15 rows = 18 sts.

When work measures 66 cm, bind off all sts as they appear.


Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.

pullover chart

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