Argyle Cardigan

Published: 03/10/10
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 9585
Argyle Cardigan
Materials: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Supcrwash, a worsted weight 100% superwash wool packaged in 100-gram skeins containing approximately 100 yards per skein, in the following amounts and colors: 12(13,14) skeins #SW91 Stained Glass, one skein #SW81 Red Baron and one skein #SW10 Alabaster; number 4 knitting needles; 24-inch number 6 circular knitting needles; yarn bobbins; and six (six, seven) buttons.
Finished Measurements:
Chest (buttoned): 36(40,44) inches
Length: 27(28-1/2,30) inches
Sleeve Width at Upper Arm: 18(19,20) inches
Armhole Depth: 9(9-1/2,10) inches
Gauge: In stockinette stitch (K one row, P one row) with larger needles, 20 sts and 25 rows equal 4 inches.
Pattern Stitches:
Twisted Ribbing -
ROW 1 (Right Side) K1 through back 1p, *P1, K1 through back 1p, repeat from * across row.
ROW 2 P1 through back 1p, *K1, P1 through back 1p. Repeat from * across.
Wind separate bobbins of each color patterns on fronts and left sleeve.
To avoid holes, always pick up new yarn from under old.

Back: With MC and smaller needles, cast on 77(85,93) sts.
Work even in twisted ribbing for 2 inches changing to larger needles and inc 13(15,17) sts evenly spaced on last row - 90(100,110) sts.
Work even in stockinette stitch (K one row, P one row) until back measures 18(19,20) inches above cast-on edge, ending with a wrong-side row.

Shape Underarm: Bind off 5(6,8) sts at beginning of next two rows.
Dec one st each end of needle every other row five (six, seven) times.
Work even until back measures 8(8-1/2,9) inches above bound-off  underarm stitches, ending with a wrong-side row.

Shape Back Neck: K26(27,28), join second ball of yarn and bind off next 18(22,24) sts, K to end of row.
Working on both sides of neck with separate balls of yarn, dec one st each side of neck every row three times. Work even until back measures 9 (9-1/2,10) inches above bound-off underarm stitches. Bind off remaining shoulder sts.

Left Front: With MC and smaller needles, cast on 37(41,45) sts.
Work even in twisted ribbing for 2 inches changing to larger needles and inc 6(7,8) sts evenly spaced on last row - 43(48,53) sts. K one row.
Set up pattern on next wrong-side row: P6, place marker, work next 11 sts from Row 1 of Argyle Panel Chart, place a marker, P26(31,36).
Work Rows 1-46 of chart between markers, then repeat Rows 7-46 for pattern. Keep remaining front sts in stockinette stitch.
When the front measures 15(16,17) inches above cast-on edge, begin V-neck shaping.
On next rightside row, dec on this and every sixth row 10(12,13) times as follows: K to within 2 sts before first marker, K2 tog, work to end of row. At the same time, when front measures 18(19,20) inches above cast-on edge, shape underarm by binding off 5(6,8) sts at beginning of next row.
Dec one st at armholc edge every other row five (six, seven) times.
When all neck and armhole decs have been completed, work even until armhole measures same as for back.
Bind off remaining 23(24,25) shoulder sts.

Right Front:
Cast on and work ribbing as for Left Front.
K one row.
Set up placement of front design as follows: P26(31,36), place marker, work 11 sts from Row 1 of Argyle Panel Chart, place marker, P6.
Complete as for Left Front, reversing shaping.
Sew shoulder seams.

Front Bands: Mark Left Front for six (six, seven) buttonholes, placing the first one 1/2 inch above bottom edge and last one 1 inch below V-neck shaping.
Beginning at lower Right Front edge with right side facing, using smaller circular needles and MC, pick up 80(85,90) sts to first front shaping, 57(59,61) sts to shoulder, 29(33,35) sts along back of neck, 57(59,61) sts along left side to neck shaping, 80(85,90) sts along Left Front - 303(321,337) sts on needle.
Work in twisted ribbing for 3/4 inch making buttonholes at markers on next right side row.

Buttonholes: *Work to marked stitch, bind off next 3 sts, repeat from *.
On next row, cast on 3 sts over bound-off sts.
Continue to work in twisted ribbing until front bands measure 1-1/4 inches from beginning.
Change to red, work one row.
Bind off loosely in red.

Right Sleeve: With MC and smaller needles, cast on 41(45,49) sts.
Work in twisted ribbing for 2-1/2 inches changing to larger needles and inc 10 sts evenly spaced on last row.
Inc one st each end of needle every fourth row 20(20,21) times — 91(95,101) sts.
Work even until sleeve measures 17(17-1/2,18) inches above cast-on edge.
Mark first and last st of this row for underarm.
Work even for 1(1-1/4,1-1/2) inches more, ending with a wrong-side row.
Shape Sleeve Cap by dec one st each end of needle every other row five (six, seven) times.
Bind off all remaining 81(83,87) sts.

Left Sleeve: Work as for Right Sleeve, beginning pattern from Sleeve Chart when sleeve measures 13(14,15) inches above cast-on edge, making sure to center design.

Finishing: Sew sleeves into armholes, matching underarm markers.
Sew sleeve and side scams. Sew on buttons.

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