White cardigan in ajoure pattern

Published: 21/07/10
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 28992
White cardigan in ajoure pattern
Size: 12/14
Materials: 600 g white (col 0505) "Assouan" (100% cotton, mt = 110 m/50 g) from ANNY BLATT.
One pair 3 mm and 3 3/4 mm needles, one 3 mm circular needle INOX.
G st: K all rows.
Patt A: number of sts multiple of 16 +2 edge sts. Work foil chart 1. Only Rs rows are given, on Ws work sts as set, P yo's.
Back: between edge sts rep patt g, 
left front: start with 1 edge st, rep patt g, end with sts to arrow and 1 edge st, at the end of row K for yo on rows 1 and 13, on rows 17 + 19 K1 for last back; 
right front: start with 1 edge st and sts from arrow, rep patt, end with 1 edge st, at beginning of row K for yo on rows 7 + 19, on rows 1 +13 K 1 for 1st dec.
Work rows 1 - 24 once.
Patt B: number of sts multiple of 8 + 1 + 2 edge sts.
Work foll chart.
Only Rs rows are given, on Ws work sts as set or as given, P yo's.
Start with 1 edge st, rep patt g, end with st after patt g and 1 edge st.
Rep rows 1 - 50 for patt.
Average tension: 21 sts and 29 rows to 10 cm square.
Back: cast on 114 sts with 3 mm needles and K 1 return row.
This row is not counted in the foll calculation.
Cont with 3 3/4 mm needles in patt A.
Wwm 8 cm = 24 rows cont in patt B, on 1 st row inc 1 st = 115 sts.
Wwm 47 cm = 136 rows cast off for armholes at each end of every alt row 6 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st 3 times = 83 sts.
Wwm 68 cm = 198 rows cast off for shoulders 5 sts at each end once, then on every alt row 5 sts once and 4 sts twice.
At the same time with 1st shoulder dec cast off for neck the 23 centre sts and finish each side separately.
At neck edge cast off 6 sts on every alt row twice.
Wwm 70 cm = 204 rows all sts are worked in.
Left front: cast on 58 sts with 3 mm needles and K1 return row.
Cont with 3 3/4 mm needles in patt A.
Wwm 8 cm = 24 rows cont in patt B, on 1st row inc 1 st = 59 sts.
Shape armhole and shoulder at right edge as given for back.
Wwm 49.5 cm = 144 rows cast off for neck at left edge on every alt row 9 sts once, 6 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st 5 times.
Right front: work in reverse.
Sleeves: cast on 50 sts with 3 mm needles and K 1 return row.
Cont with 3 3/4 mm needles in patt A.
Wwm 8 cm = 24 rows cont in patt B, on 1 st row inc 1 st = 51 sts.
Starting with patt B inc 1 st on every 6th row 4 times and 1 st alt on every 4th and 6th row 14 times in patt = 87 sts.
Wwm 43 cm = 124 rows cast off for sleeve top at each end of every alt row 5 sts once. 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st 11 times, 2 sts twice and 3 sts once. Wwm 56 cm = 162 rows cast off rem 19 sts.
To make up: join shoulder seams.
Along front edges pick up with CN114 sts each and along neck edge 192 sts in continuation, work rows 47 - 50 of patt B and 2 rows g st, in corners of neck inc on every alt row for shaping on either side of corner st 1 st tbl.
Then cast off all sts.
Sew sleeves in position, join side and sleeve seams.

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