Sweater with Leaves Patterns (Toddler Girls)

Published: 25/12/14
Hits: 31585
Sweater with Leaves Patterns (Toddler Girls)

Sweater with Leaves Patterns for my niece.

Size: 2-2T


3 х 100 g balls (each approx 230 m) of Kartopu Flora Color #K718 (100% Acrylic, 230 m/100 g); one set (4) size 6 (4mm) dpn, one 6 (4mm) circular knitting needles.

Rib pattern in rounds: *K2, P2, rep from * throughout.

Leaves Pattern for yoke: Work acc to chart 1 in rnds. Odd numbered rnds are shown.

On even numbered rnds work all sts as they appear, work yos K unless otherwise stated.

Leaf Knit-on Border: Work acc to chart 2. RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, work yos P unless otherwise stated.

Garter stitch (gst) in rnds: alternate k 1 rnd, p 1 rnd.

Wheat Ear Loop Stitch Pattern in rnds: VIDEO

Rnds 1-4: work in gst, * K3, work in gst, rep from * throughout.

Sweater with Leaves Patterns

Sweater with Leaves Patterns

Rnd 5: work in gst, * insert needle in loop 4 rows below the 2nd st on left needle, draw up a loop, K3, draw 2nd loop through same st, work in gst , rep from * throughout.

Rnd 6: work in gst, * slip 1 knitwise wyib, K3, slip 1 knitwise wyib, work in gst, rep from * throughout.

Rnd 7: work in gst, * K2tog tbl, K1, K2tog, work in gst, rep from * throughout.

Rnd 8: Rep Rnd 1.

Rep rnds 5-8 for for pattern.


over garter stitch: 18 sts and 36 rnds = 10 x 10 cm;

over leaves pattern for yoke: one leaf = approx 8,5 cm wide and 11 cm tall;

over leaf knit-on Border: 1 repeat of pattern = approx 6,5 cm wide and 5 cm tall.


Sweater is worked in the round from the top down.

For the rolled collar with dpn, cast on 80 sts.

Join and pm for beg of rnd.

Divide evenly on 4 needles and work in k2, p2 rib for 12 cm.

After Collar measures 12 cm, work 1 Rnd K, thereby evenly dec 2 sts = 78 sts.

Sweater with Leaves Patterns

Sweater with Leaves Patterns


Work in Leaves Pattern for yoke, working 13-st rep 6 times.

Change to the longer circular needle as required.

When rnd 32 of chart 1 has been completed, cont to work in gst, working incs acc to chart.

At the sime time, work in Wheat Ear Loop Stitch Pattern at the ends of the leaves.

When piece measures 16 cm from collar, divide sts for sleeves and body: 35 sts for left sleeve, 51 sts for front, 35 sts for right sleeve, 51sts for back.

Place 35 sts onto a holder for right sleeve and 35 sts onto a second holder for left sleeve.

Sweater with Leaves Patterns


Then inc 3 sts at each side of joints of sleeves = 54 + 54 = in total 108 sts for body.

Cont in rnds as folls: 12 sts in gst, 3 sts Ear of wheat, 24 sts in gst, 3 sts Ear of wheat, 24 sts in gst, 3 sts Ear of wheat, 24 sts in gst, 3 sts Ear of wheat, 12 sts in gst.

When piece measures 30 cm from collar or until a total of 18 6-row reps of chart Ears of wheat have been worked, bind off all sts kwise.


Sl sts from sleeve holder to dpn, pick up 3 sts from front (= 38 sts), work 19 sts in gst , 3 sts Ear of wheat, 19 sts in gst, pick up 3 sts from back (= 41 sts).

Cont in pat as established until piece measures 17 cm from picked-up sts or until a total of 19 6-row reps of chart Ears of wheat have been worked.

At the sime time, for the sleeve shaping, dec 1 st (K2tog) at end of rnd every 4 cm on knit row of garter ridge = 37 sts.

Then dec 5 sts evenly across last row: K6, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K6, K2tog = 32 sts.

Then work in rnds of k2, p2 rib until cuff meas 12 rnd = 4,5 cm.

Bind off sts.

Rep for other sleeve.



With 4 mm needles cast on 7 sts and work in Leaf Knit Pattern.

Cont in pat until 13 18-row reps of chart have been completed.

Bind off sts.

Sew cast-on and bound-off edge together, piece now forms a circle.

Sew border to lower edge of sweater.


Sweater with Leaves Patterns

Sweater with Leaves Patterns

Sweater with Leaves Patterns (pdf)

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