Flower motif cardigan for girl

Published: 09/04/15
Hits: 8120
Flower motif cardigan for girl

Pattern Mix Cardigan for girl


Age: 9-10 years

Actual chest measurement: 72 cm


Yarn: 150 g dark lilac and 150 g light lilac, a little white yarn (55% cotton, 45% polyacrylic, yardage = 160 m/50 g);  1 pair quick knit needles size 3.5 mm, 1 crochet hook size 2.5 mm, five 20 mm buttons.

Rib Pat 1: K1, P1 Rib.

Rib Pat 2: K2, P2 Rib.

Right front band: 6 garter sts  + 1 half brioche stitch. 

Left front band: 1 half brioche stitch + 6 garter sts.

Garter st: Knit every row.

Half brioche stitch: on the RS rows knit through the stitch of the row below, on the WS rows purl through the stitch of the row below.

Flower motif: 

Work acc to crochet chart.

Gauge: 20 sts and 26 rows = 10 x 10 cm;


With A, cast on 73 sts and work 2 rows in Rib Pat 1.  

Cont in patt acc to chart 1 as foll: selv st, work sts 1-24 twice, sts 1-23 once, selv st.  

After 21 cm from beg, work 2 rows in Rib Pat 1 with A, 2 rows with B, 2 rows with A. 

With B, cont in pat acc to chart 2 (= 8 pat rep + 7 sts for symmetry + 2 selv sts). 

For the Armhole Shaping, after 26 cm from beg, bind off 4 sts each side once, 2 sts in every 2nd row once, 1 st twice = 57 sts. 

For the Neck Shaping, after 40 cm from beg, bind off center 15 sts and complete both sides separately. 

For rounding at inside edge, bind off 3 sts in every 2nd row once and 2 sts once. 

When piece measures 42 cm from beg, bind off rem 16 sts each side for shoulders.


With A, cast on 44 sts and group sts as foll: selv st, 7 sts of band, then cont working 2 rows in Pib Pat 1 across rem 36 sts.

Cont in patt acc to chart 1 as foll: work sts 1-24 once, sts 1-11 once, selv st. 

Alternate yarn patterns and colours as for back. 

At same time, after 10 cm from btm, work 4 buttonholes every 6 cm as foll: for each buttonhole, bind off center 2 sts of band on RS rows and cast on 2 sts on the foll WS row. 

For the Armhole Shaping, after 6 cm from beg, bind off 4 sts at left edge once, 2 sts once and 1 st twice = 36 sts. 

For the Neck Shaping, after 34 cm from beg, bind off 7 sts at right edge, then on foll alt rows 3 sts once, 2 sts 3 times and 1 st 4 times.  

When piece measures 42 cm from beg, bind off rem 16 sts each side for shoulders.

LEFT FRONT: Work in reverse of Right Front, but without buttonholes.


With A, cast on 32 sts for sleeve cuff and work 15 cm in Pib Pat 2, then bind off.  

Work 3 flower motifs: Row 1 in white, Row 2 and 3 with B.  

Sew motifs together and sew stripe to side edges of cuff. 

Using crochet hook and A, work 1 rnd sc in the top and lower edge of cuff. 

For Sleeve Shaping, with B, cast on 40 sts and work 2 sts in Rib Pat 2, then work 4 rows in St st, every 2 rows evenly inc 10 sts once, 15 sts once = 65 sts.

Cont in pat acc to chart 2 (= 7 pat rep + 2 sts for symmetry + 7 selv sts). 

For the Cap Shaping, after 15 cm from beg, bind off 4 sts on each side, then on foll alt rows 2 sts twice, 1 st 15  times and bind off rem 19 sts once. 

Rep for other sleeve.


Sew shoulder seams. 

Neckband: Pick up 81 sts along neckline and work 4 rows in Rib Pat 1 with B, 2 rows with A, 2 rows with B and 2 rows with A, then bind off.  

Work one buttonhole on the 5th row over right band.  

Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew them in.

Sew cuffs, easing to fit lower edge of sleeve. 

Sew on buttons.


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