White Crochet Sweater

Published: 01/03/11
Category: Sweaters
Hits: 9212
White Crochet Sweater
Sweater pattern is worked with a simple variation of the double crochet stitch with ribbing worked in bands of single crochet.
Directions are given for one size only with a finished bust measurement of 40 inches.
You will need 12 balls (50 grams each) Caron's "Wintuk", a Dupont orlon Acrylic fiber, and a size J crochet hook.
FP: Front Post Stitch; yo, insert hook (front to back) around post (stem) of dc in previous row, pull up lp even with first st worked, complete as a dc.
BP: Back Post Stitch; worked same as FP except insert hook from back to front.
Ribbing: Ch 12, turn.
Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in next 10 sts, ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in back lp of each st across, ch 1, turn.
Repeat Row 2 until piece measures approximately 18 inches when slightly stretched, ch 1, turn.
Work 66 sc evenly along edge of ribbing, ch 3, turn.
Row 1: Sk first st (ch 3 always counts as first dc), dc in next 5 sts. *sk one st, work 4 dc in next st (first shell made), sk 2 sts, 4 dc in next st, sk 2 sts, 4 dc in next st, sk one st, dc in each of next 6 sts.
Repeat from * across, ch 3, turn.
Row 2: Sk first dc, FP in each of next 5 sts, *sk 3 sts, tr in next st, ch 2, tr in first st skipped (X made) three times, work one FP in each of next 6 sts.
Repeat from * across, ch 3, turn.
Row 3: Sk first dc BP in each of next 5 sts, *4 dc in three ch-2 sps, BP in each of next 6 sts, repeat from * across, ch 3, turn.
Rows 4-18: Alternate Rows 2 and 3 until desired length to armhole, ch 1, turn.
Row 19: Sl st across first 3 sts, ch 3 (counts as first dc), and work pattern, ending with 3 BP (instead of 6), ch 3, turn.
Rows 20-32: Continue alternating Rows 2 and 3, fasten off.
Work same as back through Row 27. Begin to shape neck.
Row 28: Sk first dc, FP in next 2 sts, following pattern, complete 3 X's, 6 FP and 2 X's, ending with dc in 2nd st of last shell of previous row, ch 3, turn.
Row 29: 3 Dc in first ch-2 sp, 4 dc in next ch-2 sp, work in pattern to edge, ch 3, turn.
Row 30: Work in pattern across, ending with X pattern in first shell at neck, ch 3, turn.
Row 31: 3 Dc in ch-2 sp, work in pattern across, ch 3, turn.
Row 32: Work in pattern, ending with dc in first dc of previous row, fasten off.
Work other side to match.
SLEEVES: (Make 2)
Cuff Ribbing: Follow pattern for waistband ribbing until piece measures approximately 6 inches slightly
stretched ch 1, turn.
Row 1: Work 27 sc evenly spaced along edge of ribbing, ch 3, turn.
Row 2: Sk first st (ch 3 always counts as first dc), work one FP in each of next 3 sts, 2 FP in next st, one FP in each of next 4 sts, sk one st, (*4 dc in next st, sk one) 4 times. Work one FP in each of next 3 sts, 2 FP in next st, one FP in each of next 5 sts, ch 3, turn.
Row 3: Work one BP in each of next 9 sts, work X pattern in shell sections (4), one BP in each of next 10 sts, ch 3, turn.
Row 4 and all even numbered rows through Row 26: Work evenly in pattern.
Row 5 and all odd numbered rows through Row 27: Inc one st at beginning and end of row.
Row 27 will have 22 BP on either side of X section. Sleeve will measure approximately 21 inches. Make longer or shorter if desired.
Finishing: With wrong sides together, pin and stitch from outer edge of shoulder to neck.
Neck Ribbing: Ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 5 sts. Follow pattern for ribbing as before until piece fits neck opening when slightly stretched. Sew onto neck edge, easing in to fit. Set in sleeves.
Sew side and sleeve seams. 
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