Cardigan in Rib Pattern with Stockinette Stitch

Published: 20/12/17
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 4402
Cardigan in Rib Pattern with Stockinette Stitch

cardiganSizes: 8/10 (US 4/6).

Yarn: 600 g (100% Wool, yardage = 90 m/50 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 3.5 mm (US 4).

Rib Pattern 1: alt K1, P1.

Rib Pattern 2: alt K2, P2.

Gauge: 18 sts x 23 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 80 sts and work in Rib Patt 2. 

When piece meas 32 cm, replace Rib Patt gradually with St st - at right edge after selv st acc to chart 1, at left edge before selv st acc to chart 2.

Work Rows 1-18 acc to chart. Then work in same way until 18 sts of Rib Patt rem in central panel.

Then work center 18 sts acc to chart 3.  

Armhole Shaping: After 55 cm from beg, bind off at each end 4 sts once and 1 st 4 times on every 2nd row = 64 sts.

Neckline Shaping: After 75 cm from beg, bind off center 18 sts and complete both sides separately.

For rounding at inside edge on every 2nd row bind off 2 sts twice, and after 77 cm from beg bind off 19 sts each side for shoulders.

Right Front: 

Cast on 55 sts and work as foll: selv st, 5 sts in Rib Patt 1 (for band), P2, 48 sts in Rib Patt 2, selv st. 

Work 5 buttonholes on band: work center 2 sts on RS row tog, then P1 and P1 tbl over that st on WS row.  

Arrange buttonholes spaced 11 cm apart beg at 11 cm from bottom edge. 

When piece meas 32 cm, replace Rib Patt gradually with St st at left edge acc to chart 2. Work Rows 1-18 acc to chart. Then work in same way replacing all sts as far as band.  

For neck slant, after 54 cm from beg, work last st of band and next st 22 times on every 4th row as foll: slip sts 1 and 2 kwise, then place them on LH needle and knit together working needle from right to left.

Armhole Shaping: After 55 cm from beg, bind off at left end 4 sts once and 1 st 4 times on every 2nd row = 25 sts.

After 77 cm from beg, bind off 19 sts at right end for shoulder. Cont working band 8 cm high on rem 6 sts. Leave open and slip onto holder.  

Left Front: Work in reverse but without buttonholes.


Cast on 40 sts and work in Rib Patt 2.

Sleeve Shaping: Inc 1 stitch each side on every 4th row 14 times = 68 sts. Work new sts into pat. 

When piece meas 12 cm, replace Rib Patt gradually with St st at both ends like for back until 10 sts of Rib Patt rem in central panel. Then work center 16 sts acc to chart 4.  

Cap Shaping: After 46 cm from beg, at each end bind off 4 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st 10 times, 2 sts 4 times and rem 16 sts once on every 2nd row. 


Close shoulder seams. 

Graft band sts and sew band along back neck edge. 

Sew side and sleeve seams. 

Sew on buttons.

cardigan chart

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